The project implements the ecological restoration of land affected by a forest fire in 2015 that affected a total of 2,124 ha. A repopulation of 95.45 ha has been carried out in Montes de Utilidad Pública belonging to different City Councils and Minor Local Entities located in Quintana del Castillo and Valdesamario, in the province of León. In addition, this project includes actions to adapt to climate change, such as the improvement and opening of a track that will allow the extraction of wood and firewood and will help to monitor the forest and defend against the risk of forest fires, the creation of auxiliary strips through clearing and removal of debris, as well as thinning of the oak regeneration that has emerged after the fire, adapting these works to the presence of protected species in the area and taking into account its special location within the Natura 2000 Network. The restoration has been developed with a density of 1,100 feet/ha in a regular 3x3 frame, using various species such as Pinus pinaster, Pinus sylvestris, Prunus avium, Quercus petraea, Betula alba, Ilex aquifolium. The plant meets all the quality and origin requirements established by the JCyL for this type of restoration. The soil preparation has been done by mechanized hollowing. The installation of the plant has been done manually, with one or two sap plants. Installation of mesh protectors with a 1.0 m stake to prevent damage from livestock and deer, preferably in leafy areas. The repopulation is done with the aim of accelerating the recovery of the vegetation cover, CO2 absorption, and a future use of wood and firewood. This is a rural mountain area, close to the Villameca reservoir, eminently forestry, which was severely affected by the fire of 2015, when much of the mass was prepared for final cuts, seriously affecting an economy based on rural tourism, some livestock and forestry. As complementary uses, we can highlight the increase of biodiversity, protection of protected species, recreational use, hunting, mycological use, beekeeping, as well as other ecosystem services. The plots have a 30-year management plan that proposes replanting, pruning, and thinning with a view to establishing a stand management method.