Project promoted and implemented by Bosques Sostenibles, which since 2010 has focused its activity on the development of actions to strengthen biodiversity by increasing resilience to climate change and facilitating the creation of CO2 sinks by managing the obtaining of carob credits through plantations. The project focuses on the reforestation of the 400 ha Monte de Utilidad Pública de Ordazuelo, owned by the Junta de Castilla y León, in the Sierra de Gredos Regional Park in Ávila, which was affected by a forest fire in 2009. It is an area with altitudes of over 1500m above sea level. A plantation has been implemented with a predominance of Scots pine, including rowan and birch in the surroundings of streams, watercourses and wetlands. The plantation density is 2,000 feet per hectare. Until 2020, reforestation will cover 170 ha, of which 35 ha have been included in the Miteco Absorption Project Register.